Case Studies

Hawaii State Federal Credit Union
focuses on digital


Hawaii State Federal Credit Union Branch Transformation

Hawaii State Federal Credit Union will not only be the first in Hawaii to utilize integrated teller machines but it will be the first in the nation to utilize them with biometric authentication, better known as palm vein scan.

Among the latest innovations at the new location include two “touch tables,” which are essentially two giant tablets that double as tabletop counters for customers to browse credit union offerings, a rolling barn door that transforms a private consultation room into an additional teller line, and a check-in system that queues members in line and lets tellers know what the customer’s needs are.

  • Provide a deeper level of support to branch members by offering a wider variety of tools to deliver credit union services
  • Leverage digital experiences to keep members engaged with Hawaii State Federal Credit Union
  • Ensure credit union employees are cross-trained to deliver exceptional support to all members

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