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Intern Spotlight-Paige Williams

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Bryn Baldasaro, content development
2 min read
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Who are you interning under, what do they have you do, and out of all your responsibilities, which is your favorite/most interesting?

I am interning under Laura and I will be assisting with Interior Design projects for The Element Group. I am most excited for client interacts and practicing my professional skills and expanding my network.

Where do you go to school and what is your major?

I’m majoring in Interior Architecture at Endicott College.

How did you first become interested in your field of study?

Ever since I was young, I was making floor plans for my “future home” or planning out my room. And as I got older my mom really encouraged me to be creative and help with all her craft projects, and we used to watch HGTV 24/7 together.

Have you interned here before, if not, have you interned elsewhere?

No, but I have interned for Deb’s Decor, which is a home staging company.

do you have any pets?

Yes, I have 2 cats names Mario and Motor.

if you could go to dinner with anyone, ALIVE OR DEAD, who would it be? why?

I want to go to dinner with Dominic Fike, because he is my favorite musician and I would die happy.

if you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go, why, and who would you take with you?

I would go to the Krka national park in Austria with my mom, while we are in Austria, I would also take my mom on the Sound of Music tour because it is her favorite movie. 


Snapchat, because I get to connect with all my old friends that are far away.


To see a moose and the northern lights.


Summer because I hate the cold and I love swimming in the lake with my family and friends.

THANKS FOR THE INTERVIEW and your hard work, Paige!


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Bryn Baldasaro
content development

‘Tis often quite difficult to get Bryn to pull her nose out of one of her ever-present books. However, she is always ready to put it down for a good chat. Bryn is currently a student studying for her B.A. in History at Ave Maria University, and a minor in Medieval Studies. Over the past four years, she has worked at Element as a writer, photographer, photo editor, editor for the blog, and dabbled in digital graphic design. During that time, Bryn gained experience working in the food service and retail industries, as a regional theatre professional, and as a film extra. She has also been a participant in educational theatre, where she has had the opportunity to perform multiple lead roles, for one of which she received the NHETG Regional Festival All Star Company Certificate for Excellence in Acting in 2019. Bryn’s “element” usually involves some degree of horseback riding, learning about cultural history, or engaging in good food, drinks, and conversation with friends and family. She believes in the importance of seeing and loving people to the fullest, making genuine connections, and sharing divine mercy.


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